Monday, October 13, 2008


JJ and I are on our last day of our vacation to the see the New England leaves. Our number one reason for traveling up to Maine was to see my old high school friend Polly. We had a great time visiting with her and her delightful family. Here is a picture of Polly with her daughter.
JJ was in three marathons during our trip. One in Mew Hampishire, one in Maine and one in Connecticut. Run JJ run!

We saw quilts. This Bargello was done by Janice Maves and is in the museum above a quilt shop on Intercourse PA. Thye sell material for $6.50 a yard. The same materail goes for $9.50 in every other quilt shop I've been to. I guess they can do that because they are Amish and all live in community.

We ate lobster.
We went to a monastery.

We went to the wadsworth museum and saw more quilts.

The Museum had many great paintings. Salvador Dali,


The Lady of Shallot
And this New York guy.
Very cool!!!