Wednesday, May 14, 2008

plans for chapter 2 of the meeting JJ story

Well I wrote a bit about meeting JJ but he said I got completely off track from the point of the story when I began talking about Star Trek and that being my only actual connection to harpsichord music. Since the Star trek rant was the biggest part of the story, (and a huge part of my youth by the way) I am definitely in rewrite mode. It will be first on my list tomorrow and we will see if the newer version passes JJ muster.
On the lighter side of things, I am working on new quilt that is designed to look like the aurora borialis. Unfortunately it is in that annoying part of the creative process where I am afraid it will deteriorate into randomness rather than evoking awe and coolness.
I will keep on working on the quilt of course since I am an annoyingly diligent worker even when I don't have a job.
JJ and I are excited about our impending trip to Maryland to visit Jecholia, Brian and our granddog Molly. We leave on Friday afternoon.


Jecholia said...

YAY...we are excited too!

Bonnie jessee said...

We need to leave earlier that we expected because Dad needs to get a sign permit in Blacksburg. I can't wait to see you! I need to go and check the weather.