Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yesterday was quite a day. My good friend Karen got a ticket for me to go see Obama speak in Lebanon Virginia. This was going to be a big high point for me. I was excited, but I committed to co leading a meeting at my church on energy. My co leader Deborah and I already changed the date of the meeting twice to accommodate other attendees. I decided to be responsible to my original plan and forgo seeing Obama so I could help to lead the group. :( Sometimes being a responsible grown up isn't so fun.
Before the church meeting, JJ and I decided to go to the farmers market in Abingdon to get some vegetables.
There was a great hullabaloo going on when we parked for the market and I (of course) was drawn toward the excitement. Believe it or not, Obama stopped to eat at Pop Ellis' soda shop on Main street here in Abingdon!
We were just in time to be searched by a the secret service and get in the front row to see Obama.
Obama ran across the street to shake hands with us.

It was a very exciting experience. I shook his left hand. My friend Pam (she got his autograph) told me he is left handed.

This is the best picture I got of Obama.
He also shook hands on the other side of the street.

Then he got on his bus to go to Lebanon Virginia so he can catch the votes of the 33% of undecided voters in Virginia's 9th district. GO OBAMA!