Sunday, April 20, 2008

Arrow To the Son

This is another older quilt. It is called Arrow to the son after a native American story about a fatherless boy who is ridiculed for not having a father. He goes to a shaman who tells him that his father is the Sun. The shaman fashions the boy into an arrow and shoots him into the sun. When he arrives, his father is reluctant to claim him and he forces the boy to go through several trials. I don't remember each trial, he fought the elements. One fierce battle was with hornets. After the boy proves himself he changes into a rainbow reflecting all the light of the sun.
You can see the rainbows in the quilt and arrow up in the left hand corner. I put a Seminole pattern on the top and the bottom and the squares are, of course, Amish shadows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this blog inspired me to blog!thanks