Wednesday, July 15, 2009


June 14, 2009

We have been in Iowa for 2 days. We got to see Zack’s beautiful twins who are just 6 days old. They are small and fabulous dual bundles of hope. The first thing we did was go to Zachs home to see the babies. I walked in the door and Zach handed me a wee one and went to sit down. Is face was filled with relief. Babies are challenging and 2 at a time must be overwhelming. Now I am not a holder of babies. I am way out of practice. What is this wobbling tiny totally dependent gal doing in my arms? I sat down so I couldn’t drop her. I don’t look for grandchildren soon; I am not ready for them.

Last night we ate at Sam’s restaurant. It is called Nana’s. Nana is what I want to be called when I become a grandmother. They have wonderful family style Italian food. The restaurant looked busy which is good for Tanya and Sam.

Here are some pictures of my Great nieces and nephew.

My niece Tanya has 3 children and her oldest, Mia, loves black olives just like I did when I was her age. When I was a child, my mother and father took me to Lakewood Country Club frequently. We walked up a large gilded stair well with plush carpeting. Past the coat checkroom we would wait for Bernie the maître d' to seat us. The piano player noticing our family being led to a table would begin to play Adel vice from the Sound of Music. This was dads’ favorite song. It was like being the hero of the story and having your own theme song. I was the hero’s daughter. It was like being royalty and having your own fanfare. I was a princess by any other name. Then Bernie would get me a small bowl of black olives. They would be presented with a flourish while the waiter took drink orders. I ordered my usual, a Shirley Temple. Of course I still like black olives. Though I am a princess no more, I have my memories of being one.

Today we are having a cookout Iowa style with the whole family. The grilled chicken and burgers were great, but getting to know my nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews better, was the best part of the day.

1 comment:

Jecholia said...

"I don’t look for grandchildren soon; I am not ready for them."
Soon is relative. But you realize it will be sooner than later? :)