Monday, June 20, 2011

The princess and the deep dark hole

This story uses a fairy tale theme more like Grimms fairy tales than the last one. Here is another way to describe the hero.

Once upon a time there was a little princess. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had everything she could ever want and many things that she didn’t think of wanting were given to her. Her home was full of warm comforting belongings and her closets were full of beautiful gold and silver dresses. She was always respected and spoken to with kindness. She could feel the love of the people around her every day. Every word she ever heard was a kind truth. She didn’t know this was unusual. She thought everyone lived this way.

The day came when she had to leave home. It was time to go away and learn more about the world. So she was sent off to marry the prince of another kingdom. His father the king lived far away and he did not have as large a kingdom as the girl was used to living in, but she adjusted to the country and had three children.

This kind of idealic life is often the norm for a hero who has no problems until and antagonist enters the fray. It matches one of our oldest stories about the garden of Eden. All is well until the snake comes along and begins to play mind games.

Next I will tell about the villain in this story.

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